Use this generator to create a random list of Star Wars Characters. Download, or copy and paste the list. Use it however you like!
Star Wars is a fictional universe created by George Lucas
The original trilogy (Episodes IV-VI) starred Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford, and was followed by two sequels (Episodes VII-IX).
Star Wars has captivated audiences since it debuted, and is still popular today. The franchise became the highest-grossing film series of all time worldwide in 2012. Star Wars is about good versus evil, love, hate, family life, and more. One of the main reasons for its success is likely its universal appeal to people of all ages.
How many names on the list below do you remember? Which is your favorite?
To get started click the generate list button below. You can then copy and paste the entire generated list of characters from Star Wars or copy a single name. Click the sound button to hear how the name is pronounced. If you are not happy with the list, you can click the button again to get a new list of Star Wars Characters. May the force be with you!