This generator will give you a random list of extinct animals. Copy and paste the list and use it as you like. You can also download the list.
Extinct animals are ones that are no longer around.
There are many causes of extinction, but the most common is habitat loss. Habitat loss occurs when a species’ environment changes or is destroyed. This can happen gradually over time, or quickly as a result of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Species that live in coastal areas are especially vulnerable to habitat loss because rising sea levels caused by global warming have resulted in many animals being forced to move.
The extinction of entire groups of animals is a sad reality. Hunting and poaching have led to the extinction of many species. Poachers hunt for elephant ivory to sell on the black market, killing hundreds of thousands of these intelligent creatures every year. The illegal trade in rhino horns is also driving these animals to extinction. These horns can be used in traditional Chinese medicine.
How many animals from the list below have you heard of before?
To get started click the generate list button below. You can then copy and paste the entire generated list of animals or copy a single animal. Click the sound button to hear how the name is pronounced. If you are not happy with the list, you can click the button again to get a new list of extinct animals.