Japanese Flashcards

These Japanese flashcards can help you build your vocabulary. If you've ever wanted to visit Japan and be able to speak some of the local language, then this free tool can help you remember the words you'll need.

Learning a new language is amazing for personal development and cultural enrichment. It can also help you broaden your horizons and gain insight into other cultures. Learning Japanese provides the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a new world and experience unique perspectives.

Tips for how to use Japanese flashcards

  • Look at the front of the card for the English Word
  • Think in your head what the Japanese word is on the back of the card.
  • Turn over the card.
  • Keep going through the deck several times to make sure you know all the words
  • If you get a card right several times and you are sure you know it, then you can discard it from the deck.
  • If you are not sure how to pronounce a word then use the SPEAK button.

Why learn Japanese?

It’s easy to see why Japan is the most popular tourist destination in Asia. With a rich culture and heritage, as well as incredible natural beauty, Japan has so much to offer travelers. The country is home to many of the world’s oldest shrines and temples as well as some of the most beautiful gardens. There are also plenty of opportunities for exploration in national parks, mountains, and cityscapes.

Learning a bit of Japanese will really enhance your trip. While Traveling can be an amazing experience, it’s more than just visiting the tourist spots. You should try to get out of your comfort zone and talk with locals. This will give you a taste of the culture, while also making some new friends along the way. These Japanese flashcards are a great way to get started.