Free Longtail Keyword Tool

Use this free longtail keyword tool to help find great keyword ideas and search phrases to help bring more traffic to your blog.

You may be writing some of the best work on the web, but if no one is reading it, you may be wondering if you are wasting your time. The frustration can be quite real and this is where a lot of bloggers give up. If you are thinking of using Facebook or Google ads it may be worth your time to try and get some free organic traffic.

Keyword research is one of the best ways to increase organic search traffic to a website and should be part of your overall content strategy. The difficulty with keyword research is that it can be time-consuming and there isn’t a universal answer for all sites. Longtail keywords represent a smaller percentage of searches, but these phrases often are easier to rank for and can lead to higher conversions and sales.

While there are many keyword research SEO tools, most of them are paid. Most may be well worth the money, but we wanted to offer this free keyword tool.

Keyword Suggestion Tool

free longtail keyword tool
Organic traffic is free!

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results.

Much like tuning a car, it will make the website more efficient and easier to understand. It doesn’t mean your car will win the race, just that it is in top condition.

SEO is NOT using tricks or “little know secrets” to try to fool search engines. It is about making information understood to both readers and search engines.

What are SEO Keywords?

Seo keywords are the words or phrases users input into search engines to find what they are looking for. Optimizing your content for words and phrases that people are actually searching for is key to getting your website to rank higher on search engines. The more relevant your keywords are to your content, the better. The better the SEO score and the fewer competitors you have for that keyword the higher you will rank on Google.

What are longtail keywords?

Longtail keywords are search phrases that are three or more words in length. These are also known as “low competition” terms because they have fewer people bidding on them. When marketers use longtail keywords in their campaigns, they increase the odds of securing their desired demographic without having to compete with other ads.

Example of a longtail keyword

Typical when people search on something they do a general search and drill down to more specific information. Let’s take the example of someone searching for a car. Let’s assume they know the brand they want. So the searches may go something like this.

  1. Ford Truck
  2. Ford Truck with plow
  3. Ford Truck with plow under 10000
  4. Ford Truck with plow under 10000 Black

The competition on websites for a ford truck would be rather high, but as the phrases get longer, the less competition they generally have. While you would have fewer visitors, if you did have that last item on their search list, there is a higher chance that your visitor would buy because you have exactly what they are looking for.

This works for information and services as well as products. You just need to tailor the phrases to your blog.

Shorttail keywords vs longtail keywords examples

  • dress vs best prom dress
  • beach vacation vs Thailand beach vaction cheap
  • apples vs organic red delicious apples
  • real estate vs forclosed real estate Chicago Illinois
  • shoes vs Nike shoes for men on sale

How to use the longtail keywords tool

Type or paste the shorttail keywords, such as “car” or “dresses”, that you would like to rank for, into the box about. Select the search engine for which you’d like to optimize your page. Press the button and the keyword tool will show you longtail keywords suggestions.

The keyword tool can find a lot of words, and possibly more that you can use. You can press the stop button at any time to end the search. You can then copy or download the list to your computer or phone.

I like to copy the list to either Google Documents or Evernote to save for later. I then choose keywords to keep or throw away based on how they relate to what I’m writing.

Where can I find keywords for my blog?

Besides our other online tools, a great place to check for keywords is Google itself. You can get a lot of ideas from Google autocomplete. The suggestions that are shown come from search terms people are searching on.

How to use keywords

Place the keywords into your blog post. The most important keyword or phrase should be in your title. This lets the search engine and your reader know what the post is about.

Place the keywords naturally in your text. Don’t force a sentence not to make sense just for the sake of the keywords. You can put some of the important ones in your headings to show significance to that word.

Always remember to include your keywords in the description, as well as in image alt tags. This will make sure that your content is properly optimized, and can be seen better on search engines.

What not to do with keywords

Overuse of keywords on your page can be harmful. “Keyword stuffing” is the process of inserting the same keywords over and over, or the same phrases, in an attempt to make a webpage improve its rank in search engines. This is done by adding irrelevant or repeated words on a webpage to improve search engine rankings. If your keyword density is too high this will be regarded as stuffing.


Writing comprehensive blog posts with relative content and well-chosen SEO longtail keywords will benefit you much better than looking for tricks or shortcuts.

What is Keyword density?

Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a webpage as a percentage of total words on the page. A higher keyword density means more repetition of the same word or phrase. Keyword density has been shown to affect rankings in search engines, especially Google’s search engine.

Most SEO professionals believe that an ideal keyword density is around 1-2% or one or two occurrences of the target keyword per 100 words. This allows search engines to understand what the page is about, but not so many times it looks spammy.

Others have the opinion that this metric is not relevant anymore, but there is no harm in following it, and overusing a phrase can turn off readers of your work. Using synonyms and related phrases can be a good way to make your content more engaging. You might even stumble upon some accidental keywords.

So all I need is the right keywords?

No. But that is where it should start. There are more things to do and there is software to guide you through it. If you are already used to writing, it will be a simple process to optimize your content. You can check out our on-page SEO analyzer and our checklist for on-page SEO.

Seo Planning

What is on-page Seo?

This process involves a number of steps to make a website as visible as possible to search engines. An on-page SEO technique is something that is done directly on the page, which can include writing meta descriptions, using keywords, and writing content that includes words that are related to the topic.

If you are using WordPress for your blog some of the popular optimization plugins include Yoast and RankMath.

If you are using another blogging software then Website Auditor is a good choice.

You can use these tools to make sure your longtail keywords are placed in the right sections of your website for the best possible results.

Where can I find longtail keywords for free?

Besides the keyword generator on this page, there are several tools you can try

Use tools like Google Autocomplete as a free longtail keyword finder

Google Autocomplete

When you start typing things into the search box, you’ll get Google keyword suggestions. If you see this in the box you’ll know that a number of people are searching on that. Our tool above uses Autocomplete to find results.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is a great resource to find keyword ideas and plan out content for your website. It has a variety of functions that will help you research potential keywords and phrases that your target audience would be interested in.


Ubersuggest is one of my favorite keyword suggestion tools. Although they offer a paid version you can get a number of free searches a day. You can enter a keyword and get the search volume and the SEO difficulty. You can also enter a URL of a website so you can see the competitor keywords and search terms for which that site is ranking.

Answer the Public

Answer the public is one of the keyword tools that will generate a lot of ideas. They offer a number of free searches a day.

Google Search Console

Use Google Search Console to track your traffic and search phrases, both shortail keywords, and longtail keywords. If you are ranking for a shorttail keyword, it is usually easier to rank for longer versions of that phrase. If you are ranking for “blue shirts” then “cotton blue shirts” or “cotton blue shirts for men” may be well within your reach.